Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 18

Long time no update on my little adventure...

My turkey pie did turn out very nicely:

For over a year, my standard breakfast has been Carnation Instant Breakfast with soymilk. I'm not much of a breakfast person, so that works for me.  I have had to come up with a new "regular" breakfast.  It took me a few days, but I settled on oatmeal with a touch of cinnamon and maple syrup, some dried tart cherries and some slivered almonds:

I also made some potato soup last week.  I boiled some diced up potatoes in some of the broth from the boiled down Thanksgiving turkey.  Once they were tender, I added in some chopped up onion, celery and garlic.  Once those were all tender, I used my hand blender to puree everything and make a nice smooth soup.

Tracking of used up items:
- All-purpose flour (11.25)
- Soy milk (11.30)
- Carnation Instant Breakfast packets (12.01)
- Silk Egg Nog
- Milk

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