Thursday, February 3, 2011

Vegetarian Black Bean Soup

Since Texas has been in the grips of a lovely winter storm - I think they called it Super Storm 2011 on the radio this morning - I was looking to make a nice hearty soup for dinner last night.  This is what I made up:

3 + 2 15-oz cans organic black beans drained and rinsed, separated
2 cartons Pacific organic vegetable broth
1 yellow bell pepper, diced
2 red onions, diced
1 celery heart, diced
4 carrots, diced (I left the skin on)
6 garlic cloves, diced
2 12-oz bags frozen corn
lime juice
chili powder
cayenne pepper
cheddar cheese

Add the diced pepper, onion, celery, carrots and garlic to a large stock pot, along with 3 of the cans of black beans.  Add in the vegetable broth.  Make sure that all of the veggies are sufficiently covered and free to move in the broth, adding water if necessary.

Season to taste using the salt, pepper, lime juice, chili powder, cumin and cayenne pepper.

Once the veggies are tender, puree everything in the pot using a hand blender.  Add in the frozen corn and remain 2 cans of black beans.  Simmer until warm.

Serve, with some cheddar cheese and chives for garnish.


Unknown said...

Waiting to taste this. Looks Good.

Vanessa said...

DELICIOUS!!! Can't wait to try it out!