Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Cook-In

Not that I have a grill at home, but being back in an apartment means no grilling, and thus no cook-outs, so K and I had a Memorial Day cook-in.

I was able to take some time to scope out a Whole Foods this weekend - which I was very excited to do seeing as the closest grocery store to the apartments is a Super Wal-Mart, and the grocery store snob in me doesn't consider that to be a real grocery store.

I had intended to pick up some fresh fruit to go with dinner, but the fresh corn on the cob caught my eye and won.  The sweet potatoes for the fries were another impulse buy, but seeing as fries and burger go so well together.  :)

I paired my go-to recipe for black bean burgers with my first every attempt at homemade hamburger buns.  Since the black bean burger patties tend to cook better when they are thinner, they tend to be a bit big, so the larger, flatter homemade buns worked perfectly in my opinion.

My potato salad is actually my mom's potato salad (minus a few tweaks that perhaps do make it my own) and there really isn't a recipe for it.  It is made by look and taste.  One of these days I may attempt to create a recipe for it, by in the meantime, you will just have come over when I make some and enjoy it that way.  :)

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