Friday, June 3, 2011

Last Night's Lesson

Lately I seem to be enjoying playing the how empty can I get my gas tank game.  A couple of times in the Budget truck on the way out here and then last night in my car.

When I left work close to 10:30pm, I was already tired and ready to be home.  So discovering that my gas tank was low - an estimated fuel range of 48 miles remaining - was not at all what I was in the mood for.  With a 20 mile and change drive to get back to the apartment, I knew that I could make it there.  I just preferred to get Millie filled last night so it would be one less thing to worry about this morning.

Prior to coming to NJ I had no clue that I am not allowed to pump my own gas here.  In fact, according to Wikipedia, "All stations in New Jersey and Oregon offer only full service and mini service; attendants are required to pump gas because customers are barred by statutes in both states from pumping their own gas. New Jersey banned self-service gasoline in 1949 after lobbying by service station owners. Proponents of the ban cite safety and jobs as reasons to keep the ban."

Sure this might seem all awesome and great, but apparently not all stations are open 24-hours, and the gas station closest to you house/apartment might be one of those that isn't...  The two attendants did give me somewhat sketchy directions to a 24-hour Wawa that was not quite where I expected it to be based on their directions, but the bottom line was that I found it.  While driving in the dark and trying to find it though, I kinda felt like I was walking that fine line between do I go back to the apartment and get the gas in the morning, or has the driving around I've already done mean that I might not be able to make it there and I'm better off continuing my gas station quest??

In order to avoid this late night stress in the future, I'm going to be more cognizant of how much gas I have remaining in my tank and not let it get so low between fill ups.  Since I apparently do not have the luxury of 24 hour gas stations everywhere that I go now.

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