Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Sausage and Quinoa with Italian Herbs

I was in a wanting pasta mood yesterday.  But in trying to be good diet wise, I decided that wasn't the greatest idea.    I have moved onto Phase 2 of the South Beach Diet which does reintroduce many things back into my diet - HELLO FRUIT!!!  Basically, Phase 2 is all about moderation.

I haven't quite gotten out of my breakfast rut yet - it's eggs, turkey sausage and turkey bacon for the most part.  Greek yogurt is one of my snacks, but it's honestly always been an afternoon snack for me.  And I grabbed Asian pears to got with some cottage cheese for my morning snack this week since fruit is no longer a no-no.

I'm still working on making my way through my chunky lentil soup since I ended up with 8 portions of that, so I had some of that for lunch today.

Dinner, is the Sausage and Quinoa with Italian Herbs that make up the title of this post.

- 12-oz Jimmy Dean Premium Pork Regular Sausage
- 1.5 cups Ancient Harvest Inca Red quinoa
- 24-oz Pacific Organic Vegetable Broth
-  onion
- head garlic
- fresh basil
- dried basil
- dried oregano
- dried fennel seeds
- margarine (I prefer butter but margarine is SBD friendly and butter is not)
- salt
- pepper

Dice up the onion, garlic and fresh basil.  Add in the salt, pepper, and dried basil, oregano and fennel seeds to taste.  Melt your margarine in a pot and add in the above.  Cook until the onion and garlic are tender and everything is fragrant.

While I was cooking the onion and garlic, I also had the sausage browing in another pan.

Once the sausage was browned, I added it to the pot with the onion, garlic and herbs.  I also added in the vegetable broth and quinoa, stirring to combine everything.  I then followed the directions on the package to cook the quinoa.  Basically bringing everything to a boil, putting the lid on the pot, reducing the heat, and simmering until the quinoa was fully cooked.

The end result was an Italian tasty dinner that I don't have to feel guilty about!!

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Progress to Date: 7.6-pounds lost, BMI = 28.9 (30.5 when I started)

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