Sunday, March 28, 2010

My iPhone is smarter than me

This time anyways.  Seeing as I just went though the daylight savings time switch a couple of weeks ago back in The States, that every country does not do that switch at the same time never crossed my mind.  So I was a little confused at first this morning when my iPhone alarm starting going off an hour earlier than I had expected, and read an hour later than the clock on my noise machine.  But sure enough, the iPhone (which I have on airplane mode so that I don't accidently use it - but I did change the time zone temporarily) was right about the time change.  This officially means that I've gotten to "spring forward" twice this year and lose two hours of sleep.  I'd like it a lot better if I were gaining those two hours...

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

LOL!!! Oy!!! No one should have to go through that twice!!!