Friday, March 26, 2010


One more work week down!

Augsburger Rathaus during the day:

Perlachturm, which is just north of Augsburger Rathaus:

There are several statues downtown, all of them with a wood board base, and this is one of them:

I got a few odd looks as I was taking these next couple of pictures, but I thought that it was an intriguing building.  It looked like it currently houses the post office as well as a few other businesses:

It would have been interesting to see the floorplan for the building because it had courtyard like areas too:

Not entirely sure what this building was - it seemed to be associated with St. Anna Kirche.  Either way it was neat inside and out:

It's been a while since I've taken European history, so I had to refresh my memory as to the important roles that St. Anne's and Augsburg played in the Reformation - i.e., the Augsburg Confession.  Along one of the walls is this plaque that I need to work on translating at some point:

A few last shots:

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

Wow! Wow! Wow! Such beautiful buildings.