Monday, March 22, 2010

Guten Tag!

I have officially been in Germany for a little over day now and I have completed my first day of work as well.

Gotta love the stellar photo for my ID badge:

I was told to sit down but never when to smile, and I was definitely a bit jet-lagged.  And I now get to proudly wear that every day.  :)  I was also trying to decide whether to be insulted or not today when one of the German guys asked me when I got in, I responded with "last night" and he then commented that I looked tired.  I mean, is that just a polite way of telling me that I look like crap??

A few observations about the office:
  • In the area where I am working, I am the only female.
  • I got a huge kick out of the "DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS" license plate that one of the guys had hanging by his desk.  Apparently love for Texas truly is global.
  • All of the smoking. There definitely seems to be appropriate areas for this. There are ashtrays or whatever outside every building. There are also ashtrays in the hallways.
  • Beer.  It is EVERYWHERE.  This was sitting smack dab in the middle of the desk in my hotel room when I walked in yesterday:
  • I must say that not only do I appreciate having windows in the office, but that the view is pretty awesome.  Of course seeing as I am pretty used to no windows, my standards for pretty awesome probably aren't all that high. 
The hotel is good.  The owners are super nice and I must say that I was pretty overwhelmed by the selection at breakfast.  It was SOOO much food!

I have taken a few pics of my room though so that you can have the grand two second tour.  Just inside the door, to the right there is a place to hang a couple of jackets, and then a wardrobe/closet of sorts.

To the right just inside the door is the bathroom:

All of the lights in the room have toggle switches:

Here are a few shots of the main part of the room with the desk, TV, bed and such:

That concludes the tour of my current home sweet home!


Lindsay-Jean said...

Nice that your room is decently sized and that you get a yummy breakfast everyday. I wish I could be vicariously drinking your share of the beer! :)

Janabug said...

How long are you staying there. Jamie just got back and I propose a girls weekend however you are required to participate. Not optional

Vanessa said...

Very Euro looking room; at least you have a decent bathroom. Cool! I'm jealous of all the beer! :) Not jealous of all the quality guy time you'll have while there. You will have a blast though!!!!

lynchrs said...

Not entirely sure how long I'll be here yet, but I'll make sure that I keep you in the loop!

Dustin said...


Your room looks comfy -- except the bed! Reminds me of my military school days. You have a cool view from your room. Have fun!

Go to the beer halls. It is hilarious to watch drunk Americans try to conduct the live bands (they pay for this opportunity of course). Beer is served there by the pint to!

lynchrs said...

Actually, the bed is WAY more comfy than it looks!