Thursday, March 25, 2010

Out and About

Yesterday was a very good day adventure wise.  One of my coworkers and I got to take a field trip to another site that is about 80km from where we are currently working for a meeting.

There was lots of farmland (as well as "eau de cow" courtesy of the fertilizer being used) being prepped.  One thing that that stood out were these:

The first one is a bit blurry but I thought that the telephone pole was good for scaling purposes.  We were both a bit confused for a minute but then R determine that they are for growing hops!

We got to the area a bit early and while he grabbed some lunch, I walked around Manching and took some pictures.  It is a cute little town:

I also got to enjoy a few flybys from a Eurofighter:

After getting back to Augsburg, I enjoyed another awesome German sunset:

I joined the guys when they headed downtown for dinner.  However, instead of having dinner with them, I wandered around and took pictures.  :)

The town square had some very cool cobblestone patterns:

St. Ulrich's and St. Afra's Abbey:

Augsburger Rathaus:

And some fun with time lapse:

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

WOW! What a beautiful place. :) Super cool about the fighters!!!! Awesome pictures as usual!!!! Thank you for sharing your adventure with us.