Sunday, March 28, 2010

Schloß Hohenschwanstein, Schloß Neuschwanstein, and Oberammergau

Yesterday I went on a 100km (each way) roadtrip with R and S with the main objective being to see Schloss Neuschwanstein in Schwangau which is about as far south as you can go in Germany without being in Austria.

The drive itself was gorgeous, courtesty of the alps!

We also had a pretty good game of "Decipher that Road Sign" going:

Watch out for frogs?  Frog crossing? Frogs are slippery when squished?

First sighting of Schloss Neuschwanstein:

There was a very neat looking church just outside of Schwangau:

A view of Schloss Hohenschwanstein  taken during our walk up to Schloss Neuschwanstein:

Marienbrucke was reportly the site to go to in order to get the best shots of Schloss Neuschwanstein:

On the way back to Augsburg, we took a small detour to the town of Oberammergau.  I had never heard about this town before, but they are famous for the Passion Play that they do every ten years because of a vow the 1633 inhabitants made with God as part of asking Him to spare them from the bubonic plague.  2010 is one of those every ten years:

I saw sevetral actors outside the theatre taking a break.  A gentleman who I'm pretty sure was the actor playing Jesus was outside smoking.

Also, I love how my mom has the ability to put everything in perspective with simple comments.  I was talking to her about how the Oberammergau Passion Play is 7 hours long which is like an entire day.  She reminded me that it took Jesus a day to die.

The pictures I included here are only a few of all that I took yesterday.  All of the pictures can be found here.

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

Alps are amazing! Oh man, that place is like a fairy tale castle; absolutely amazing. I can't imagine actually seeing that in real life. Interesting about the play - brutal 7 hours? Who would watch a 7 hour play? I guess if I felt like god saved my town in exchange for doing/watching the play, though, I would watch it, too. Love that Jesus was smoking! LOL! Looks like you are having an incredible time! :)