Tuesday, March 23, 2010


While walking to work this morning, I realized that I had forgotten to comment on just that - that my "commute" to work is not so much of a commute at the moment.  The 10 minute or so walk that I have at the moment is definitely a big change from the half hour drive that I have back in the states, but I for one am enjoying it.

Plus, it gives me a chance to take some pictures of things like this:

I'm guessing that this is the "winterized" state of this, so I am now more than a little curious to see what goes there the rest of the year.

After work today I wanted to get some fresh air so I went for a bit of a walk. I started out by exploring the cemetery that is across the street from the hotel we are staying at. Weird to some I know, but those who know me know that I think that cemeteries are just fascinating when looked at from an archaeological and anthropological point of view.

I was more a little impressed with this cemetery. Most of the headstones were HUGE and most of the plots were meticulously cared for.


I am also very intrigued about the significance of the raked mounds because they showed up in multiple plots, with variations in shape and size.

This was probably the most impressive plot of all:
I mean it has its own walkway with hedged.  I'm also curious about who those people are.  Are they important?  Were they just really rich?

Almost every plot had it's own cross.  There was quite a bit of variation in them.  A couple of my favorites:

Possible relatives?

Miscellaneous pictures:

 There was also a pretty good sunset this evening:

I had to do a second glance when I saw this poster on the way back to the hotel:
It's no Tommy Lee, but I still find it entertaining!


Vanessa said...

Beautiful cemetery! Looks like you have an interesting walk to work. :) Fascinating posting; I wonder who all of those people are.

Kathy said...
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Kathy said...

A German friend told me you rent cemetery plots in Germany. Bury your relative and when you don't want to pay any longer they put someone else in? Not exactly sure how that all works

lynchrs said...

We actually had the "cemetary plots are rented" conversation just the other day. It is a very interesting concept to me. I will say that most of the headstones I saw might as well have been brand new, and their keep was beyond immaculate. I can only think of one that had a bush of some sort that was a bit overgrown. Plus, I can't think of a day here that I haven't seen someone going into the cemetary with gardening tools, flowers to plant, etc.