Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Times They Are A-Changin'

Amazing how life can be pretty routine one minute and completely the opposite the next.  As I was driving home from work last Friday I was thinking about my upcoming week that had no classes, but lots of prep work for my St. Pat's party and what all I wanted to do over the weekend in terms of housework and yardwork.

Needless to say my weekend did not go at all like I had planned courtesy of the three vehicle accident that I was in Friday evening.  My half hour drive home turned into a 5 hour ordeal between giving my statement at the scene and my friend V taking me to ER where my right arm was x-rayed and my head and neck were CT-scanned.  I luckily and thankfully walked away from the accident with minor injuries.  And I feel very blessed to have an amazing friend like V - my first call after the accident was actually to her since I was on my way to her house via my house and I was like, "Well I'm going to be more than a little late.  And I think I need you to come get me because I was just in an accident and my car is less than drivable."  My second call was to my mom.

Saturday was spent acquiring interim transportation as well as retrieving all of my personal belongings out of Mattie since I really didn't see how she wasn't going to be totaled - which she is according to my insurance adjuster.  I cried for the first time after the accident when I walked away from her.  She was my first car that was all my own.  And I had just paid her off.  I'm realize that she is just a car but she was a big first and I am more than a little thankful that she did everything she was supposed to do in a crash to protect me.

Life turned even more upside down yesterday morning after being told to give my boss a call in Germany.  As of right now I leave for Germany for work for four weeks on Saturday.  So needless to say at this point much of the last two days has been spent dealing with accident related things and working on getting ready to be out of the country for a few weeks.

Amazing how drastically the status quo can change in just a few short days.

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

Best wishes on your new adventure, Rebecca! Mattie will always be a part of you as you drive into new horizons. : ) Cheers, Vanessa