Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Local Sightings

Between the daylight savings time switch, and the fact that the garden pictured below was covered with pine boughs just last week, it is definitely springtime in Germany! Despite that the temperature had dropped quite a bit these past couple of days.

Another site that I often pass on my way into work in Augsburg is this wood pile that I find very impressive:

Plus, it is so true that sometimes it really is the little things. I am very used to sitting in a cubicle with a desk and walls that are grey, in a room with no windows. Having spent the past week and a half or so working off site, both locations that we have been at have plenty of windows in the office which is more than a little refreshing.

From where I sat in Augsburg prior to our move to the containers earlier today, the window straight in front of me perfectly frames the church steeple pictured below.

After spending so much time looking at it, I took a walk during lunch on Monday to investigate.

The stones at the front of the church had a cross pattern in them:

I thought that the moss growing in the cracks between many of the stones was pretty cool too:

Also, there was a very intriguing statue outside the main entrance to the church:

Today R and I spent the latter half of our work day in Manching again. Prior to heading into the office there, we swung by Ingolstadt. This brief detour gave me my first ever sighting of the Danube!

We got caught in a rainstorm pretty close to getting back to the hotel.  It wasn't a total loss since there was a full rainbow over the cemetary across the street.

1 comment:

Cyn said...

These are pretty cool pics. I have tried to leave comments now for the last week w/not much luck. I am going to try it again. It is all user error here. Glad you were able to find some good yogurt there.