Thursday, April 1, 2010

My most used souvenir from Japan

No one really likes a bruised banana, yet they get bruised so easily. During my first trip to Japan, A and I were walking around a Toys ‘R’ Us when we found this. A has a pretty awesome picture of me making a frowny face at a banana that had gotten bruised after riding around in my purse all day and this seemed like the perfect solution to that problem.

Needless to say, the banana case now goes pretty much every where that I do. I can’t think of a single person who hasn’t laughed when they have seen it for the first time though. Not to mention getting the same questions: Well what if your banana doesn’t fit in there? Do you take it with you to the store to make sure that you buy bananas that fit? Is that a banana case in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

So while it may be more than a little amusing, it definitely does its job well and I have to eat significantly fewer bruised bananas which is more than worth it to me.

Besides, I think that everyone is just secretly jealous that they don’t have a banana case too!

1 comment:

ThatBlackjack said...

I saw one like that at the Kroger's here a week ago.