Sunday, April 18, 2010

Hazy Lazy Sunday

I decided to take a walk around the neighboorhood this morning.

This tree caught my attention:

I  could hear the buzzing from the bees well before I could see them:

The individual flowers were very delicate and pretty:

I am very intrigued by this flowering bush:

Not sure what this is, but I like it:

I have seen several of these creations in various places around Germany:

I was curious about what used to be here given that that horseshoes don't seem to go with the apartment building that is currently behind the fence:

I just liked this:

All through my walk, the sun was definitely trying to peek through the volcanic ash haze:

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

Beautiful plants! Love the sculpture - think we need one in our yard. Can't belive the volcanic haze!!! Wow!